Back in March, Rainman and I went to Japan for about a week. We ate lots of food, explored the city, and purchased King Pudding, a large 1.9-litre pudding mix, from a small shop in Akihabara, Tokyo. Fast forward to last weekend, and I finally got around to preparing this monstrosity.
For those not familiar with it, maybe you should watch this video.
Since watching the video, I’ve wanted to purchase one of these kits, but the cost has been prohibitive. Around $60 or to purchase and have it shipped over from online retailers.
Well, we purchased one as mentioned, back in March. Rather than simply prepare it right away, we had to find a time when we’d have a lot of people over to try it out.
Sunday night, I mixed it all up and let it cool overnight. Instructions are simple: You bring it all to a boil, then you pour it into the bucket and let it chill for at least 10 hours.
Monday, people came over. We grilled up food, drank a bit, and then I brought out the pudding. I was actually a little surprised some of my friends hadn’t seen the Giga Pudding clip before, so I had to explain what it was to them.
I’m glad everyone was willing to try it. I must admit when it first came out that it was a little unsettling. The pudding mix itself seemed to have settled during the night in the fridge. This left to some spots being nothing more than a clear gelatin. It didn’t take away from the flavor at all though.
More pictures can be found here, as always: My SmugMug!