About two weeks before I moved from Houston to Japan, my roommate had a sushi party for some of his friends from school. Seeing as how I lived with him at the time, I was able to participate, so long as I helped with the cooking and prep. We started around 8 p.m. and finished at 2 a.m. It was six hours of standing and cooking nonstop, but it was a blast.
As some may know, I worked in a few restaurants in the past as a line cook. One of the things I always enjoyed about those jobs was the ability for time to fly by once I got into the “zone” and focused. The same thing happened the night of this party. My roommate prepared sushi while I cooked gyoza. For our 15 or so guests, we probably prepared 100 pieces of gyoza and about 150 pieces of sushi.
I’d say it was a success. Below are some more pictures.
If you’d like to view all of the pictures, then click here.