Leaving my college town behind

Stephen F. Austin State University

I went to school in a small East Texas town. It was not what I expected, but then again, I suppose I didn’t know what to expect in college–I never researched them at all and figured that if one school had computer information systems, ALL of them had a program of equal level. Yeah, that was bad thinking.

Inside the student center

When I chose my university, I picked it because my mom went there in the ’70s, and two of my good friends I’d known since elementary school were going there, one of whom I would room with the first year.

Garner Apartments

I didn’t really enjoy my first year there. I grew up in a large city, so going to this town of ~30,000 people was a huge change for me. Complete culture shock. During my stay in Nacogdoches, I saw the college change tremendously. Dorms that had been there 30+ years were torn down, the student center was renovated to be on par with other universities, a nice rec center was added, and more.

The pictures here in this post are from my last visit to Nac before I headed off to Japan. The building being destroyed was Garner Apartments, an on-campus apartment building where many of the international students at SFA stayed. The accomodations weren’t really nice, but people liked it. Every time the school won one of its home games in a sporting event, a bright purple light at the top would be lit up.

The building was also one of the tallest in the city, I believe. Sure, there is a set of twin towers on campus, a dormitory, but this was a staple to the university, and it’s sad to see it go… though it’s taking forever. See, there is lots of asbestos in the building, so implosion won’t be used for the destruction of the building. Instead, a wrecking ball has been brought in to do the task.

Here are the rest of the pictures.

Supposedly if you go in this building, the Old Stone Fort, before completing your coursework, you won't graduate.

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