Category Archives: Random


Friday morning I was awoken around 5:30 to a slight shaking of my bed. This is nothing new, as I’ve felt small earthquakes in the middle of the night before. I went back to sleep.

During the second half of class we learned about procedures and what to do during an earthquake. Cover your head, immediately open a door so that the frame doesn’t become warped leaving the door stuck closed, where our school’s evacuation center is, etc.

Then around 5:30 p.m. after class, there was a real earthquake, and definitely the strongest I’ve felt since being here. I was on the third floor having dinner with someone from my class, and I immediately felt it. A second later everyone else there did, looked around, became quiet, and immediately began checking their phones. What was a bit worrisome about this one was the strength of it and the duration. It honestly felt like 45 seconds to a minute of swaying.

Turns out it was near Miyagi-ken. Last I heard, there were some injuries in that area. Here in Tokyo and Yokohama, everyone is fine, the last time I checked.

Just a quick update to let everyone know I’m OK.

Also, finals this week! Listening, reading, writing, speaking, pronunciation and I hear an essay will be required. Oh, and a speech. Sooo, probably won’t post for a week or so!

Promised update about the YouTube party

Here’s the promised video, along with some pics, from the 2012 Tokyo YouTube meet-up in Shibuya, Nov. 3, 2012. There were two “rooms.” One was what you see in the video above, then there was another room where various acts (many musical) performed on stage. Sadly, I didn’t get any footage of that. =(

I was on the fence about going up until I walked out the door, mostly because of the cost of going, but it was well worth it.

Continue reading Promised update about the YouTube party

Hooray, I’m unemployed!

My time in the country of the United States of America is coming to an end. With one week left before I get on a plan to Japan, there’s not much left I need to do.

Monday was my last day of work. Now I’m in Houston traveling to see friends and family, then I head to Nacogdoches to see more friends and family, then on Monday I return to the Austin area… for a very busy day.

Four-hour drive to Austin, then pack, then go to a Ben Folds Five concert, then do laundry, finish packing, take a shower, go to the airport… and maybe take a nap somewhere in there. The flight is at 5:50 a.m., so I’m thinking I may have to wait until I’m on the plane for rest.

I may post again before I go. Let’s see! Hopefully there’ll be a picture or something next time to go with the post here.

Oh, and to my peeps from the TG, welcome, and thanks for the going away party!