Remember when MTV played full-length music videos? Or are you so young that you didn’t even know it did that? If so, get the fuck out. MTV is a joke now. To prove that MTV and all it stands for is even more of a joke, I present to you the European Music Awards. Current nominees for “Best Act Ever” include Britney Spear, Christina Aguilera, Green Day, Rick Astley and Tokio Hotel. As pointed out by Wired’s Listening Post, it’s easy to see that more deserving groups, such as The Rolling Stones are left off the list.
So the stand out of the list is Rick Astley. Good thing he’s on there, as the EMAs is having an online poll to allow visitors to the site the chance to vote for the winners. This is great, especially because the site allows for unlimited voting. So guess who the internet is trying to get to win?
Click that link and you’ll be taken to a site that has information (including automated scripts) to allow you to vote automatically an unlimited number of times. The easiest for most people to use will be the RickVoter. Or be like me and open up the link in 5 windows and let it run in the background. In the past 24 hours, I’ve voted for him at least 15,000 times. Whewps!